8:30AM Adult Sunday School - 9:30AM Worship Service
Adopt a Highway
Adopt a Highway
If you are a steward of the Earth and love fresh air, you may enjoy the fellowship found in our Adopt-a-Highway ministry. During the warmer months, we gather for an hour or more on a Saturday morning to tidy up a nearby stretch of roadside. We pray a reverence for God’s creation is exemplified to all who witness this ministry. For more information, email Dee Carl.
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School
Join us Sunday mornings at 8:30am for a more in-depth study of topics pertaining to the Christian life. This class is an interactive class led by a passionate facilitator who guides Q&A after a short, engaging, video designed to deepen our awareness of scripture and practical application. For more information, email Judy Krueger.
Annual Christmas Cantata
Annual Christmas Cantata
The Christmas Season is one of the most festive at Faith Church. Each year in October, we welcome anyone who loves to sing to join a choir specifically formed to perform a Christmas Cantata. In early December, this musical ensemble shares the greatest gift of a Savior with our church and community.
Book Club
Book Club
One Saturday morning a month at 9am., a group of readers get together to share, learn, and grow from a book they committed to reading the previous month. The group covers all types of genres from Christian Living, to Christian Fiction, to Inspirational Biographies and so much more. Both the content and comradery are refreshing to the soul and new people are always welcome. Bring a brunch item to share. For more information, email Marion Amberg.
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School
We value the spiritual growth of our youth. We welcome them to begin each worship service with their families in our sanctuary. We want them to feel at home and welcome in church. Children are dismissed during the offertory, before the weekly message to engage in age-appropriate lessons. We use curriculum that introduces them to the major books, figures, and stories in the Bible. Our youth develop a heart for mission through the church’s sponsorship and correspondence with our adopted Compassion International Child, as well as participation in many other mission projects.
Church Fellowship
Church Fellowship
We believe strongly in the value of community. We agree with the Bible’s affirmation that it is good to be together. Over the course of the year we engage in all kinds of activities such as church learning opportunities, family-friendly service projects at local community and mission agencies, movie nights, bonfires, hot dog roasts, and an annual church picnic just to name a few. We try to do a little something for everyone! Keep an eye on our calendar for these exciting events.
Crocheting and Crafting
Crocheting and Crafting
This group meets on Tuesdays at 1pm. in the fellowship hall. Whether you want to learn to crochet or practice any other craft during this time of fellowship, this is an opportunity for you to fine tune the creative talents you have been given. We have donated winter hats to those in need, and are willing to serve others through our gifts whenever we can. For more information email Cheryl Lund.
Joyful Noise Christian Preschool
Joyful Noise Christian Preschool
We are blessed to house Joyful Noise Christian Preschool. We thank God for the multiple generations of children who have passed through our building over the years. This amazing Christian Preschool hires wonderful teachers who have given this preschool an outstanding reputation in the community. For more information click here.
KID Club
KID Club
Join us Friday nights during the school year from 6:30pm-8pm for a fun interactive time when children in K-8th grade gather. Together we study and apply scripture passages, play games, share prayer requests, and engage in a creative hands-on project with daily faith application. For more information, email Loren Root.
Landscaping and Lawn Mowing
Landscaping and Lawn Mowing
Do you enjoy gardening or lawn mowing? Our church's lawn and gardens are fully maintained during the warmer months by members and friends of Faith. Volunteers are always welcome to help! To volunteer email Tom Carl.
SonRise Ringers Handbell Choir
SonRise Ringers Handbell Choir
If you are a music lover, this might be an opportunity for you. Every Tuesday evening from 7-8pm we have a team of dedicated ringers who practice time-honored hymns of the faith as well more contemporary pieces in preparation for our worship services. The bell choir usually performs one Sunday a month. If you are interested in this group email Cheryl Lund.
Summer Vacation Bible School
Summer Vacation Bible School
VBS is JUNE 17-21, 2024, 9am until noon. Activities are for ages preschool through 6th grade, but older youth are encouraged to assist our adult leaders. This seasonal ministry occurs annually in June. It is a joy to see so many people in the church committed to making this an exciting week for our average of 70-90 kids who attend, both from within the church and the community. The church rocks this week as children come and learn Bible stories, engage in worship, play games, and construct crafts--always culminating in the knowledge of Jesus and His unyielding love. To register your child click here.
Tech, Production & Comms
Technology, Production & Communications
Whether you enjoy sound production, filming, desktop publishing, web publishing, dealing with Internet and Wifi issues or anything related to IT, hands-on techies are more than welcome in this group. Contact Pastor Rich if you would like to share your time and talents.
Women’s Monthly Luncheon
Women’s Monthly Luncheon
One Monday a month, we gather at a local restaurant for lunch. If you are newer to the church, this is great way to get to know some people in an informal causal setting with food and fellowship. Look for the announcement in the bulletins and the sign up in the fellowship hall.